Copyright 2024~Ordinary Mini Storage                         4553 George Washington Memorial Highway, Hayes VA 23072                                             804-642-6960

4553 George Washington Memorial Highway,

Hayes VA 23072


Recently, our server has updated the CAPTCHA security measure on our hosted payment page to a newer version.  The new CAPTCHA does not have a challenge but instead tries to determine if the user is a human based on their interaction with the page. It's based on a scoring system to detect non-human activity to block fraudulent activity. Some users are experiencing CAPTCHA errors at the time of sale.  This is indicating users are failing CAPTCHA. If you are encountering issues we wouldadvise users to manually enter their data and not allow web browsers to try to Autofill.   If still having issues wait at least an hour to try again ** If you've already failed a CAPTCHA, please clear your cache and cookies, and try again with the above method. Or try using a different web browser to try again while being careful to not allow autofill. Please also be careful to not include repeating words or words like 'test' or 'testing'.



24/7  Storage Unit Access

​​       RV, Boat, Car, & Trailer Storage Space

                           Onsite Manager During Office Hours

                            Public Self Storage - Secured Gated Facility   


24/7  Storage Unit Access

24/7  Storage Unit Access

​​​​​​      Standard & Temperature-Controlled Units​​



  Need to make a payment?   We offer several options:

1)  Click on the Pay Now button located on this page to pay online

 2)  Call us during office hours to make a payment over the phone

 3)  Call the office to set up AutoPay

 4)  Mail us a Check or Money Order:     

                                 P.O. Box 486    Ordinary VA 23131

 5)  Drop off your payment at our office location

                                  during or  after office hours

When making a payment online there is a section for an invoice number, please fill this section in with either the month, your unit number or your name.